Caring for Our Community
As part of neighbouring and industry-related communities, we’re committed to fostering constructive relationships to support community wellbeing – proactive open communication is key.

Neighbouring Communities
We’re proud of the role we play in Taranaki’s regional economy. Our kitchen and plant create economic benefit, and support lifestyle for employees, as well as a raft of local suppliers.
We’re connected with the needs and interests of farmers, community groups, and local Iwi (indigenous groups). Iwi are a significant part of the local community – we share a supportive relationship with them in honouring their sacred sites.
Our approach allows for dialogue so we can directly respond to needs and collaborate on solutions for the benefit of everyone.

Research Communities
We’re dedicated to the growth and development of New Zealand food science & technology – We’re proud to be involved in two large government-funded research programmes; ‘FoodPlus’ and ‘Food Industry Enabling Technologies (FIET)’.
We collaborate with New Zealand and international academics on product and process development. Massey University, our nearest tertiary institute, has a strong foundation in food science & technology – we regularly partner with them on product development in their Food Pilot facility. We also host summer interns to support development of tomorrow’s talent.

Professional Partnerships
We partner with environmental consultants and our regional council to ensure an environmental management programme we can be proud of. This provides us with positive feedback and recommendations to support our best practice standards.
“In a world of pressures such as economic performance, health and safety obligations . . . uncertain confidence in the business sector, and other demands, the Council wants to acknowledge the commitment and positive contribution your organisation has demonstrated to protecting and maintaining the state of the region’s environment.”
– Director Environmental Quality, Taranaki Regional Council

Giving Back –
Charity Support
As a team we love and appreciate our animal companions. We’re committed to supporting Greyhounds As Pets (GAP) – a New Zealand organisation who rehomes retired racing greyhounds. We provide charity donation, and supply our beef bone broth for their nourishment to rehoming teams across the country.
At a local level, our shareholder donations support our community’s school, sports clubs, and Fire Brigade service.