Our Sustainability Approach
A sustainable approach is at the very heart of what we do. We upcycle and transform the best of New Zealand’s beef bones to craft our premium ingredients.
For us sustainability is all about meeting the needs of our customers, and their customers, without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same.
UN Sustainability Development Goals
We’re passionate about sustainable nutrition for people and pets alike.
We have a sustainability advocate on our team. Understanding that many sustainable practices aren’t too different to standard practices, and that small changes can make a big difference, we’ve been conscious and active on this front for some years now.
To formalize and focus our efforts, we’ve chosen to align with three UN Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDGs) that are key to our business. This means we can bring you sustainably produced ingredients, that support the quality and sustainability of your own brand.
Our Sustainability Goals
Assessing our processes, the products and the services we use in our business
We’re continually looking at how our business practices impact from an environmental, social and economic perspective.
Here are the goals we’ve developed as a company to align with our chosen UN Sustainability Development Goals:

#2 Zero Hunger
Our Goal
To provide safe and nutritious food all-year round, and support sustainable food production systems and resilient agricultural practices.

#6 Clean water and sanitation
Our Goal
To achieve a 30% reduction on 2020 levels in our potable water usage by 2025, and increase recycling and safe reuse.

#12 Responsible consumption and production
Our Goal
To develop and maintain responsible consumption and production patterns by reducing food loss and waste generation.

#2 Zero Hunger
Our Goal
To provide safe and nutritious food all-year round, and support sustainable food production systems and resilient agricultural practices.

#6 Clean water and sanitation
Our Goal
To achieve a 30% reduction on 2020 levels in our potable water usage by 2025, and increase recycling and safe reuse.

#12 Responsible consumption and production
Our Goal
To develop and maintain responsible consumption and production patterns by reducing food loss and waste generation.

Conserving Our Water
The water we use in our extracts’ kitchen is natural and pure, originating at high altitude on the slopes of Mount Taranaki – a mountain we look out on every day.
Our focus is substantially increasing water-use efficiency across our plant, and supporting our environment through the health of our freshwater.
A leading wastewater
management system
We have integrated VSEP (Vibratory Shear Enhanced Processing) technology into our kitchen and plant operations. This system recovers proteins from our wastewater and recycles clean water back into our process. In turn this minimises our wastewater and reduces our impact on the environment.
A 10% decrease in potable water usage has been achieved in the last year as a result. To support this we have an environmental management programme that monitors the release of any wastewater into the environment.

$128 million fresh-water
restorative programme
Over 300 rivers and streams flow from Mt Taranaki. For more than 20 years these waterways have been transformed by an award-winning regional council programme to improve freshwater health and eco-systems.
We’re proud to be a part of the 15,400 km of stream banks fenced, 6.2 million natives planted, and 6,000 hectares of native habitat developed to improve our water quality.

The Air We Breathe
To return clean air to the environment we use modern biotechnology with biofiltration and aerobic digestion to treat our emissions to the atmosphere.
Our biofilter is a self-sufficient method of cleansing the air that is released, and a perimeter shelter belt is being developed to support noise reduction and direct air flow – efforts that support our community.

Sustainable Nutrition
Upcycling beef bones means we are transforming what was traditionally considered a waste stream into nutritious food ingredients. We’re part of a supply chain that starts with New Zealand farmers. Their pasture-based farming systems are known for being world’s best practice. With high biosecurity standards, it means we can offer safe, ethical, and nutritious ingredients.

We supply bone broths and extracts which contribute to a nutrient dense diet – full of protein, collagens, amino acids including glycine, minerals and easily absorbed fat soluble vitamins.
• 80% of our ingredient solutions support Keto, Paleo, and wholefood friendly diets
• 80% of our ingredient solutions contain collagen peptides, providing nutrition for both people and pets.

All of our ingredients are 100% safe and natural.
Safe to us means Hormone Growth Promotant (HGP) and anti-biotic free, humanely raised, and GMO free.
Natural means containing no artificial additives, colourings, flavour enhancers, or preservatives.

We supply bone broths and extracts which contribute to a nutrient dense diet – full of protein, collagens, amino acids including glycine, minerals and easily absorbed fat soluble vitamins.
• 80% of our ingredient solutions support Keto, Paleo, and wholefood friendly diets
• 80% of our ingredient solutions contain collagen peptides, providing nutrition for both people and pets.

All of our ingredients are 100% safe and natural.
Safe to us means Hormone Growth Promotant (HGP) and anti-biotic free, humanely raised, and GMO free.
Natural means containing no artificial additives, colourings, flavour enhancers, or preservatives.

Sustainable Production
After the processors have removed the prime cuts, we take the bones – 100% of our export quality beef bones are New Zealand origin grass-fed.
By manufacturing a range of our extracts in concentrate, we minimise our use of packaging and carbon footprint when it comes to international delivery and distribution.
The by-products of our cooking process are provided to a local company for the manufacture of exported chicken feed.

Sustainable Consumption
100% of our exterior packaging is recyclable. This includes both plastic and cardboard bins. We are investigating relevant opportunities to achieve 100% recyclability of our carton liners.
When it comes to carbon footprints, every step counts. We operate electric forklifts on site which is a step in minimising ours.
Many of our suppliers have sustainability mandates across their business. We’re continuously reviewing our options to align with like-minded companies.